The best snacks for after sports

Sport is essential when it comes to staying in shape and having a body of ten, but so is food. It is useless to do sports, if later you stuff yourself with food of all kinds. The important thing is to find a balance between the two. For this reason, on this occasion, we wanted to recommend snacks for after doing sports, so that what you eat feeds you, gives you energy but does not involve an exaggerated consumption of calories.

The best snacks for after sports

  • There is nothing better than taking a handful of nuts after exercising. They are rich in healthy fats and provide a lot of energy to the body. To make it more appetizing, you can take a low-fat yogurt and mix it with nuts such as walnuts, almonds or cashews.
  • After doing some sport, you can have a nutritious and healthy fruit-based smoothie. It is a product with a lot of protein, although sometimes it is usually quite high in sugars and carbohydrates. To avoid this, you should use a type of unsweetened non-dairy milk, such as almond or oat milk, fruit, a low-fat yogurt, and a zero-calorie sweetener.
  • There is nothing better than having a nutritious apple after exercising. If it seems very simple to you, you can cut the apple into slices and spread them with a little low-calorie almond butter. It is a very delicious and low-calorie snack that will help you recover quickly from the effort made. In addition to this, you can make a delicious fruit salad or a fruit skewer and satisfy your appetite in a healthy way. You can make it with refreshing and seasonal fruit such as pineapple, watermelon or melon.
  • Hard-boiled egg. There are many properties that the egg brings to the body, so it is advisable to eat it regularly. If you finish exercising and need to regain some strength, don’t hesitate to have a hard-boiled or boiled egg as it is an excellent source of protein with which to fill up and recover after physical exertion.
  • Cottage cheese with fruit. Another ideal snack to take after sports, consists of mixing a little low-fat cottage cheese with some fruit such as strawberries, blueberries or raspberries. It is a dish with very few calories and high in protein that will help you recover from the effort made after training.

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