The risks of energy drinks for sports

The image of the so-called energy drinks has been in question since they appeared on the market. Despite its successful publicity, the alarm went off when certain Administrations warned of the dangers to cardiovascular health that these energy drinks could produce. Its composition, with substances that enhance energy and vitality, makes them the perfect drink to counteract fatigue and regain strength. Thus, there are many athletes who resort to them after a day of training.

What do energy drinks contain?

  • Energy drinks produce an immediate sensation of energy, fatigue disappears and the mind seems more active, which is why they have become the fundamental resource for many young people, which, when mixed with alcohol, gives them the necessary strength to last the whole night. partying. However, it is the use that athletes make of these energy drinks that is of most concern.
  • And it is that energy drinks are not the most appropriate to increase sports performance, much less to recover hydration after a training session. Among the components of these drinks are caffeine, ginseng, taurine and guarana, all of them powerful stimulants, which in high doses can cause nervousness, anxiety and, in some cases, heart conditions. They also contain substances such as arginine, creatine and carnitine that can cause gastrointestinal problems.
  • It must be taken into account that the feeling of euphoria and energy that is achieved with these drinks is artificial and is still a way of deceiving our body. Rest is necessary to face daily activities and there is no energy drink that can replace the benefits of a restful sleep, although a good cup of coffee to start the day is still a good way to stimulate ourselves.

Energy Drinks Vs Sports Drinks

  1. For those people who perform intense physical activity, there are other types of drinks that provide them with greater benefits and fewer risks, which are sports drinks. These drinks are specially created to provide extra energy during physical exercise but, fundamentally, to recover hydration and fluids lost during training.
  2. Sports drinks are made up of water, electrolytes and carbohydrates that make them ideal for getting back in shape, but they do not contain any stimulating substances like coffee. In this way, these drinks reactivate tired muscles, replenish the sodium and potassium that is lost through sweat and maintain the necessary hydration.
  3. It should be emphasized that although energy drinks do not pose a health risk if they are not consumed excessively, any person who loves sports and who practices exercise with the aim of having a better quality of life knows that these extra contributions of energy are not necessary. energy. A good diet, the elimination of certain habits that are harmful to health and maintaining a positive attitude towards life are all that is needed to be able to exercise regularly and benefit from it.

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